Wednesday 23 May 2012


Eco News
Our Trip
On Friday 11th May five year 9 representatives of the Eco Squad accompanied Ms Knight for a weekend residential at the Dearne Valley Centre, near Doncaster.
The trip was amazing and life changing because we got the opportunity to see how being eco-friendly even as an individual can help.  Also seeing what waste, litter and using too much valuable resources really do to the world.
There were so many highlights but the most memorable was “The Living Machine” there are only 25 in the whole world. It is the natural water purification process. Its main purpose is to clean the sewage from the water so that it can go back into the river Don. Recycling dirty, smelly water in these big 3 metre deep tanks, without chemicals, it was great.
Another good part about the trip was working with other schools, learning and discussing climate change and what we can do to make our school more eco-friendly. It wasn’t all work we did lots of team building activities outside, and the rain stayed away.  The dorms with en-suites were great, food was good, and we never got hungry. Overall we had a wonderful time there and we all said we wanted to stay longer!
If you care about the environment, could be Global or Local (our school) we have an Eco meeting every Friday second break in H10, come along!
Note from Ms Knight:
The girls were fantastic representatives from our school.  A huge thank you too Kamile, Kira, Tracy, Laura and Sidorela you made the weekend so special.  I look forward to seeing all the fantastic campaign work you will now undertake to improve our environment.

This is us and what we do

Eastbury Eco group consists of a mixed group of students from years 7 to 6th form.
They wear a green badge to identify members of the group.
We now meet once a week as a whole group to discuss and plan group initiatives.  Sometimes they meet or work at break times or after school.
So far they have worked with Global Action Plan, a school initiative to improve school environment they did a waste audit and looked at ways to decrease the waste we produce as a school. They did a Google Earth project with Mr J Buchanun Dunlop, film available on you tube. Also took part in a climate Change/Campaign weekend with Citizenship Foundation.
We have achieved Bronze Eco schools award, currently applying for silver.
We have produced a school eco code which is currently being viewed by Mr Dickson and if agreed to will be used by the school.
We are in working groups and visit classrooms after school turning off lights, projectors etc. and shutting windows.  They keep record sheets and at the end of term they present in communications a bar of fair trade chocolate to a teacher with a perfect record.
We have produced an Eco notice board (first on the left on entry to school) and we have a regular Eco page in the school newsletter.
We have planned and started a School Eco Garden to grow vegetables and create a wildlife area with a refurbished pond. Started composting and planted seeds.  They have met with Mr Dickson and the school governors for permission to do this. (More meetings to follow)
We have won the borough Key stage 3 Environmental Quiz 2 years in a row winning £300 a time.
We are currently doing a waste, litter and recycling campaign this will consist of assemblies, projects in citizenship lessons and meetings with the senior members of school and important people in our community.